PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

pyspedas 1.7.0 Python Space Physics Environment Data Analysis Software (pySPEDAS) 2024-11-01 23:47:52
simpunch 0.0.1 Simulate PUNCH observations 2024-11-01 21:14:43
plasmapy 2024.10.0 Python package for plasma science 2024-10-30 00:34:35
PyThea 0.14.0 PyThea: A software package to reconstruct the 3D structure of CMEs and shock waves 2024-10-21 18:14:58
ebtelplusplus 0.3.0 Zero-dimensional hydrodynamics of coronal loops 2024-09-17 15:06:22
fiasco 0.3.0 A Python interface to the CHIANTI atomic database 2024-09-11 16:34:05
pyAMaFiL 0.0.1 Library for reconstructing solar magnetic fields with NLFFF optimization approach 2024-08-06 13:29:50
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